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來源:北京紳凱服裝   瀏覽:37   【字體: 】 發(fā)布日期: 2017-7-19 14:32:35 打印
1.通明型布料 通明型布料質地輕浮而通透,具有高雅而奧秘的藝術作用。包含棉、絲、化纖織物等,例如喬其紗、緞條絹、化纖的蕾絲等。為了表達布料的通明度,常用線條天然飽滿,富于改變的H型和圓臺型規(guī)劃外型。


2.柔軟型布料 柔軟型布料通常較為輕浮、懸垂感好,外型線條潤滑,服裝概括天然舒展。柔軟型布料首要包含織物構造分散的針織布料和絲綢布料以及軟薄的麻紗布料等。柔軟的針織布料在服裝規(guī)劃中常選用直線型簡練外型體現(xiàn)人體美麗曲線;絲綢、麻紗等布料則多見松懈型和有褶裥作用的外型,體現(xiàn)布料線條的流動感。

3.厚重型布料 厚重型布料厚實挺刮,能發(fā)生安穩(wěn)的外型作用,包含各類厚型呢絨和絎縫織物。其布料具有形體擴張感,不宜過多選用褶裥和堆積,規(guī)劃中以A型和H型外型最為恰當。


4.光澤型布料 光澤型布料外表潤滑并能反射出亮光,有熠熠生輝之感。這類布料包含緞紋構造的織物。最常用于夜禮衣或舞臺扮演服中,發(fā)生一種華麗耀眼的強烈視覺作用。光澤型布料在禮衣的扮演中外型自由度很廣,可有簡潔的規(guī)劃或較為夸大的外型方式。

5.挺爽型布料 挺爽型布料線條清晰有體量感,能構成飽滿的服裝概括。多見有棉布、滌棉布、燈芯絨、亞麻布和各種中厚型的毛料和化纖織物等,該類布料可用于杰出服裝外型精確性的規(guī)劃中,例如西服、套裝的規(guī)劃。

1. transparent fabric, transparent fabric, light and transparent texture, with elegant and mysterious artistic effect. Including cotton, silk, chemical fiber fabric, such as satin Georgette, silk, chemical fiber lace etc.. In order to express the fabric's transparency, the lines are naturally full and full of variations in H and round table design.

2. soft fabric, soft fabric generally thinner, good drape, sleek lines, natural contours of clothing stretch. Soft fabrics include fabric structure of the evacuation of knitted fabrics and silk fabrics and soft thin yarn fabric, etc.. The soft knitting fabric in the clothing design succinct modelling using linear often reflect the body beautiful curve; silk yarn, fabric is more loose and pleated effect shape, fabric line flow sense of performance.

3. thick heavy fabrics thick heavy fabrics thick stiff, can produce stable shape effect, including various types of thick woolen and quilted fabric. The fabric has the form sense of expansion, not too much by pleating and packing design with A type and H type are most appropriate for modeling.

4., glossy fabrics, glossy fabrics, smooth surface, and can reflect the light, there is a sense of brilliance. This kind of fabrics including Satin fabric. Most commonly used in evening dresses or stage costumes, produces a gorgeous, dazzling, powerful visual effect. Glossy fabrics offer a wide range of freedom in dress performance, with simple design or exaggerated styling.

5., very cool fabric, very cool type, fabric lines clear, a sense of volume, can form a full outline of clothing. Commonly used cotton, polyester cotton, corduroy, linen and various medium and thick wool and chemical fiber fabrics, etc., this kind of fabric can be used to highlight the accuracy of clothing design, such as suits, suits design.

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  • 關于我們
    電話 : 010-67959348
    手機 : 13691236158
    傳真 : 010-67959348
    QQ :  865115885
    版權所有:北京紳凱服裝設計有限公司 京ICP備13036617號-3