給老爸買的,摸起來衣服很舒服,應(yīng)該會挺涼快的,老爺子很喜歡 I bought it for my father. It feels comfortable and should be cool. He likes it very much 尺碼:尺碼非常合適。做工:質(zhì)量非常好。面料舒適度:不錯。 Size: it fits perfectly. Workmanship: the quality is very good. Fabric comfort: yes. 衣服面料柔軟舒適透氣,顏色也正。 The fabric is soft, comfortable, breathable and of color. 尺碼:XXL。彈性效果:不錯。做工:很好。面料舒適度:舒適。 Size: XXL. Elastic effect: yes. Workmanship: very good. Fabric comfort: comfort. 面料舒適度:舒適。透明度:無。尺碼:XXXL。做工:很好。彈性效果:很好。 Fabric comfort: comfort. Transparency: none. Size: XXXL. Workmanship: very good. Elastic effect: very good.